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2013. április 12., péntek

We proudly present:

 April 26-27th 2013 , 20:00
Mu Theater, Budapest

Radioballet is a Platform of two Hungarian independent dance artists, Bea Egyed And Milán Újvári. the main focus of Their first full-lenght piece is the boundaries between intimacy and public issues in relation to love.

Choreography/performance: Bea Egyed, milán Újvári
Marilyn Manson, Tomahawk, Bushmans Revenge, The White Stripes, 
James Vincent Mcmorrow, Isis, Bee Gees

Music Editing: bea Egyed, Milán Újvári
Text: Miklós Randóti, charles bukowski
Assistant of dramaturgy: Máté Andrássy

Lights: ferenc Payer
Photo and poster: Dániel Dömölky
video: Márton Gothár

Special Thanks to: 
Mu Theater Budapest, Sin cultural center Budapest, Workshop Foundation Budapest, Bailart

 For more infromation visit:

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