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2010. január 19., kedd

Péterfy Bori & Love Band - Bűvös Vadász

In September of 2009 I was working with the well knowned hungarian singer/actress Bori Péterfy.
This video is the official clip of the first song taken from her second album.

Director: Dávid Merényi
Dancing couple: Bori Péterfy, József Gyabronka
Editing: Márton Gothár

more info: http://www.peterfybori.blog.hu/
interjú az alkotókkal: http://langologitarok.blog.hu/2010/01/14/hullahaz_szag_es_deviancia_interju_peterfy_borival_tovishazi_ambrussal_es_merenyi_daviddal

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