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2011. január 18., kedd

dunaPart 2011 Anna Réti: Fregoli syndrome

Back in 2009 I was collaborating with Anna Réti, Amos Ben Tal and Claudio Stelato to create a new dance piece under the sponsorship of Jardin d'Europe and Trafó. The premier of the piece was in September of 2009 but since then we still playing the show. This time on 21th of January you can see a 20 minutes log preview about the show in Mu Theater on the dunaPart 2 Festival. More info: here


2011. január 16., vasárnap


I'm working with Nigel Charnock in Budapest. The hungarian theater company Forte invited the well knowned choreographer and performer to create a new piece under the title of Revolution. Follow the creation online here:  http://www.sinarts.org/Nigel_Charnock_Blog/

Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest,
Premier: 18., 19., 20. of February 2011, 20:00pm
Tickets: http://www.trafo.hu/

Nigel Charnok - Choreographer
Horváth Csaba - Aristic coordinator

Andrássy Máté
Arany Virág
Blaskó Bori
Grecsó Zoltán
Juhász Kata
Kádas József
Krisztik Csaba
Simkó Beatrix
Sipos Vera
Újvári Milán

Juristovszky Sosa - costume
Pajer Ferenc - lights
Sztojánovits Andrea - video

Fotó: Imre Barnabás http://www.barnabaas.hu/


I was invited to perform on the first hungarian TEDxYouth event which took place in Katona József Theater on the 20 of November 2010. You'll find more information about the event here and also on facebook http://www.facebook.com/tedxy . Enjoy my video, and feel free the comment.